
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Winter Holiday Card

I was recently asked to design a "politically correct" holiday card for our dear friend, and financial advisor. Since he'll be sending these out to all of his clients, he wanted to keep it professional. He wanted a modern look, with black and white as the primary colors. I sent him several design options in a variety of sizes.

He opted for the 4 x 9 horizontal card with rounded corners and coordinating, red envelopes. White would have matched fine, but we didn't want this holiday card to be confused with other business-sized mail.

We are printing his signature on the front of the card, and his return address will be printed on the back flap of the envelope, so hopefully this will save him lots of time when it is time to mail them out!

If you are also looking for a more traditional, non-photographic holiday card, I would me more than happy to meet your design needs as well.